The Copper Accelerated Acetic Acid Salt Spray (CASS) test method is an aggressive accelerated corrosion test used to determine corrosion resistance of various aluminum alloys and for testing chromium plating on zinc and steel die castings.
CASS testing is commonly used for testing decorative electrodeposited coatings of nickel/chromium and copper/nickel/chromium. Applications for this test method include specification acceptance, manufacturing control of product or process, simulated service evaluations, and R&D of new coating technologies.
The CASS solution per ASTM B368 consists of a standard ASTM B117 salt solution of 5 parts (by weight) of salt to 95 parts water with the addition of reagent grade copper chloride dihydrate at a rate of 1 gram to 4 litres of salt solution. The salt-copper solution is adjusted to a pH of 3.1 to 3.3 by adding reagent grade glacial acetic acid. The solution is atomized in a cabinet maintained at 120° F (49° C).
Multiple cabinets ensure availability
Test on corrosion resistance of coated or uncoated samples
Test durations range from 24 to 2,000+ hours
We offer professional photography to document performance changes
ASTM B368 – Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt (CASS)
ASTM B117 - Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
Samples of various sizes within 36 cubic foot chamber
The cut edges of samples are often sealed to avoid edge corrosion